Peekaboo : The Story of Veronica Lake (Revised and Expanded Edition)
By Jeff Lenburg
Peekaboo: The Story of Veronica Lake, offers a rare glimpse at the inner workings of a woman who had it all, but didn't even begin to have the slightest idea of what life was all about." – ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER
In the 1940s, Veronica Lake stirred a nation of filmgoers into a frenzy with her memorable screen performances and famous hairdo draped over one eye. The sultry blonde bombshell rocketed to stardom for Paramount Pictures only for it all to spiral out of control and be over in a flash. By age twenty-nine, Veronica was washed up with her career on the ash heap of movie history. Her climb to the top started with her dominating mother pouring everything into her daughter’s future for the sake of her career until ending tragically after years of personal struggles with paranoid schizophrenia and alcoholism that set her on a path of self-destruction and put her so far out of reach that not even her mother’s love could save her in the end.
Fully revised and expanded, this authorized, intimate biography, featuring exclusive interviews with Lake’s mother, friends and co-workers, tells the entire, unvarnished truth of the rise and fall of one of the silver screen's most beloved beauties. Copious new discoveries, revelations, personal stories and insights; scores of previously unknown unproduced and rumored starring feature films and television projects and undocumented radio and television appearances; and a full accounting of her off-Broadway and legitimate stage work in the United States and abroad illuminate this richly detailed, lavishly illustrated volume, including many never-before published photographs from private and personal collections, in what is the most complete record ever written about this fallen star’s life and career.
- Format : Paperback
- Condition : New
- Publisher : Moonwater Press
- ISBN : 978-09903-28728
- Copyright : 2020 (revised and expanded)