Apr 28, 2021

Events - The Lare's Picture Show with Peter Bogdanovich

Once upon a time in Hollywood, back in the 1960s, there was a bookstore on Hollywood Boulevard (there were actually lots of bookstores on the Boulevard then). The owners of that bookstore decided they should specialize; Git Luboviski (later Polin) created a catalogue and Hollywood merchandise proved quite popular. The timing was right. A golden age of cinema scholarship and appreciation was about to begin, and the Larry Edmunds Bookshop was right in the middle of it all.

Once upon a time there was a young writer with aspirations who became a regular at this book store and friends with the proprietors Git and Mel Luboviski. His encyclopedic knowledge and exacting study of cinema was incredible, and the Larry Edmunds Bookshop became a friendly confine. His name was Peter Bogdanovich.

For many years during the TCM Classic Film Festival, I have chosen to host Sunday morning events to offer the fans a unique experience and bring them close to the stars they love. Well, since the festival is virtual this year, my event will be as well.

You are cordially invited to join me virtually (on my birthday) Sunday, May 9 at 12:30 pm PT for a special conversation with the one and only Peter Bogdanovich! He will share his memories of the Larry Edmunds Bookshop along with his unique contributions not only as an amazing director, but also as a storyteller, historian, and teacher of the history of cinema.

I'm celebrating my 30th anniversary here, and I cannot think of a better way to honor the extraordinary legacy of the Larry Edmunds Bookshop than by looking back on its Hollywood history by someone who knows it well.

Tickets are $5 - register on Zoom. We hope you can join us!

A limited number of autographed paperback copies of Who the Hell's In it: Conversations with Hollywood's Legendary Actors and Peter Bogdanovich's Movie of the Week will be made available as a fundraiser for Larry Edmunds Bookshop.

$40 for Who the Hell's In It: Conversations with Hollywood's Legendary Actors

$35 for Peter Bogdanovich's Movie of the Week

Sorry, no personalizations.

Best from the Blvd.,

Jeff a.k.a. The Lare
